Thursday, June 30, 2011


“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten— the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm[b]— my great army that I sent among you." Joel 2:25

Crazy things have been happening in the midst of God's crazy love. I have been waiting, probably a year, to see God's hand move in regards to our mortgage situation. He revealed to me, in a particularly wonderful time of prayer and worship, that fraud had been committed and He showed me how He would remedy it. If you've read earlier posts, you know the amazing things He has already done here in regards to sparing us from foreclosure. That is all God my friends. There is no human who could do that on their own. Not with the cards so horribly stacked against us. Soli deo Gloria - all for His Glory, once again!

Yesterday God gave us a precious gift through my mother-in-law. It was a simple card rack and I don't know that she can begin to understand what it meant. It was beautiful. This card rack was white, pure, clean and new and I didn't catch the symbolism of that until just now. Weird to describe it that way and you probably wouldn't see what the big deal is about it. Seeing it brought back memories of all we had gone through in this house. All the pain, all the struggle, all the heartache. We had owned card racks just like it when we were attempting to turn the house into a scrapbook retreat to bring money in. Memories of losing my Tupperware business came flooding in. I've come to realize that in that situation, satan had stolen my joy and I had believed lies and that's what destroyed my ability to want to keep going. I loved that business and I was good at it. God had blessed my efforts and it was easy. I came to feel like I was trapped there because I "had to" keep working it to pay the mortgage. I believed my Tupperware income was saving our house. Ha! That was a big fat lie. God was and is and always has been our Provider. And now with the card rack, God was telling us that He was going to "give back all that the locusts had eaten". God is a complete circle. I cried tears of sadness for the losses and I cried tears because God's goodness is so overwhelming, all at the same time. It's crazy how beauty and pain can coexist in the same space. He doesn't have to do a thing for us and over and over again He does. He is the God of the impossible and a generous giver.

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