Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Personal Point

I didn't know who to share this with so I decided to blog it. I started Bethel Seminary this week and one of my classes is called Transformational Leadership. I have spent my entire adult life learning about business leadership - as a HOBBY. I'm telling you what I did for fun was read books about leadership. I know, sick, sick, sick. And boring! But that was my recreation. Anyway, since becoming a Christian one of my most pressing questions is "What does God have to say about this?". To give you an example, I learned a lot of things in my 16 or so years of secular (and pre-Christian) business life - not all of them good and not all of them right in God's eyes. So a tremendous challenge has been to sift through that information and discern what to keep and what to leave. Thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit who guides us into all truth! So I'm reading my syllabus and see that one of the recommended readings is a "classic" leadership book in business. And then I came to realize that I no longer have to worry that I may buy into something I shouldn't. I feel relief learning in Bethel's environment.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


If I haven't said it before, I love the way God works! Dennis is reading a book called "Radical" by David Platt who became the pastor of a megachurch at a very young age. In the book he challenges Christians to take a look at the way we're living out our faith. Does it match up to what the Bible says we should be doing? And then Mr Platt calls us to live out our "radical" faith as described in the Bible.

I am reading a book called "The Hole In Our Gospel". I had requested it from the library weeks and weeks ago. I didn't know much about it except that it is on Greg Boyd's reading list and I know that Woodland Hills (our first church home as a married couple) is very concerned with and involved in ways to help the poor. Turns out my book has a very similar theme!

Maybe a year ago already, Dennis and I prayed to work together if it was God's will. We wanted to support our family, side by side, instead of in different places each day. I have seen that prayer being answered step by step in our personal and church life. And now it looks like He's getting us on the same page in other ways through two different books!